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作者: admin 浏览次数:1835 来源: 美达斯机械 发布日期:2017-11-28 16:14:22

重庆升降机等工程机械的应用可以使高空作业效率更高,更安全。但是,在工程机械维修保养时我们需要注意哪些问题呢?Chongqing lift and other construction machinery applications can make aerial work more efficient, more secure. However, in the construction machinery maintenance, we need to pay attention to what the problem?

1.重庆升降机新品不经选配。换装汽缸套活塞必须检查标准缸套与活塞的尺寸分组代号,装用的缸套和活塞必须使二者的尺寸分组代号相同,以保证标准的配合间隙。Chongqing elevator new products without matching. Change cylinder sleeve piston size grouping code must check standard of cylinder liner and piston, fitted with the cylinder liner and piston size grouping code two must be the same, in order to ensure the gap with the standard.

2.汽缸间隙测量不准。测量时规定以椭圆长轴方向的间隙为准,即测量活塞裙部垂直于活塞销孔方向的间隙。这样测量比较方便、准确。Cylinder clearance measurement. In the measurement, the clearance between the long axis of the ellipse is specified, that is, the gap between the piston skirt and the direction of the piston pin hole is measured. This measurement is more convenient and accurate.

3.明火加温活塞。明火直接加热活塞,活塞各部分薄厚不均,热胀冷缩度不一,容易引起变形,如达到一定高温,自然冷却后金属组织会遭到损坏而降低耐磨性,使用寿命会大大缩短。Open flame heating piston. Direct fired heater piston, piston parts of uneven thickness of thermal expansion and contraction degree, easy to cause deformation, such as up to a certain temperature, natural cooling of metal structure will damage and reduce the wear resistance and service life will be shortened.

4.砂布打磨轴瓦。不少维修工为增加瓦与轴的接触面,就有砂布打磨轴瓦,因沙粒硬,合金软,打磨时沙粒很容易嵌入合金里,发动机工作时加速轴瓦的磨损,缩短曲轴的使用寿命。Emery cloth polishing pad. Many maintenance workers to increase the contact surface tile and shaft, with emery cloth polishing pad, because of hard alloy grinding sand, soft sand, when it is easy to embed in the alloy, when the engine works to accelerate bearing wear, shorten the service life of the crankshaft.

5.重庆升降机机油只加不换。使用过的油中机械杂质残留很多,即使放尽,油底壳及油路中仍存有杂质。Chongqing lift oil only add not to change. The use of mechanical impurities in the oil a lot of impurities, even if the release, oil and oil at the bottom of the oil still exist impurities.

6.润滑脂乱用乱涂。有些修理工安装汽缸垫时,喜欢涂一层润滑脂在汽缸垫上,汽缸垫不但要求严格密封汽缸内所产生的高温高压气体,还要密封汽缸盖和缸体内的具有一定压力和流速的冷却水和机油。Grease with chaos. Some repair installation of cylinder pad, love is coated with a layer of grease in the cylinder head gasket, cylinder pad not only requires high temperature and high pressure gas tight seal cylinder produced by the cooling water and the oil has a certain pressure and velocity to seal the cylinder cover and the cylinder.

7.螺栓拧得太紧。预紧力过大会造成螺钉和螺栓折断或螺纹滑丝等。The bolt is screwed too tight. Pre tightening force of the assembly caused by bolt and bolt broken or screw thread, etc..

8.重庆升降机轮胎气压过高。轮胎气压过高过低都会影响其使用寿命,同时也不利安全行驶。Chongqing lift tire pressure is too high. Tire pressure is too low will affect the life of the tire, but also adversely safe driving.

