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作者: admin 浏览次数:1942 来源: 美达斯机械 发布日期:2017-11-28 16:14:07

虽然百岁老人还是常见,但是并不是人人都是如此的,其实重庆升降机也是一样的,如果你保护的好还可以多活两年,如果保护不到位那么寿命也是有限的。那么我们就来说说我们改怎样提高重庆升降机的使用寿命呢?Although the centenarians are still common, but not everyone is so, in fact, Chongqing elevator is the same, if you protect the good can also live for two years, if the protection is not in place, so life is limited. So let's talk about how we can improve the service life of the elevator in Chongqing? 

1.重庆升降机阀门的正常启闭是各类工业流程控制的关键,一旦这种控制无法得到实现时,液压升降机系统瘫痪须停机检修,这将会造成巨大的直接或间接损失,直接影响到生产效率和生产。Chongqing lifts the normal opening and closing the valve is the key to all kinds of industrial process control, this control can not be achieved at once, the hydraulic lift system downtime to be paralyzed, this will result in huge direct and indirect losses, directly affects the production efficiency and production.  

2.重庆液压升降机的阀门壳体、阀盖等承压件超出压力限制压时是非常危险的,一旦超出压力承受限制其薄弱部位或许会先发生穿孔,引起介质外漏;其填料或自密封圈部位往往会受到超负荷压力而冲出,引起媒介大量外漏。Chongqing hydraulic lift valve body, valve cover and other pressure parts exceeds the pressure limit when the pressure is very dangerous, once beyond the pressure limit of its weak parts may occur before perforation, causing media leakage; the filler or self sealing parts often suffer from overload and leakage caused by a large number of media out of.

3.造成对重庆导轨式升降机阀门本身的破坏:导轨链条升降货梯的阀门壳体、阀盖及阀杆零件的强度一般以阀门的公称压力设计其强度,异常升压时,其开启压力会成倍提高,导致相关零件的使用应力成倍升高,当材料实际应力超过许用应力时,高应力部位会产生断裂破坏,导致阀门无法开启,阀门整机将损坏或报废。Due to the Chongqing rail lift valve itself damage: guide chain lifting elevator valve body, valve cover and valve strength to the nominal pressure of the valve design strength, abnormal pressure, opening pressure will increase, resulting in the use of related parts of the stress increased exponentially, when the stress exceeds the actual material the allowable stress, high stress position will have broken, causing the valve can not be opened, the valve will be damaged or scrapped.   

4.容易使重庆导轨式升降机产生噪音,严重时可造成扰民,因为液压系统不稳定可造成整机运行不稳定,此时应当断开电源,进行检修。 Easy to lift Chongqing rail noise, it can cause serious nuisance, because the hydraulic system instability can cause the unstable operation, at this time should disconnect the power supply for maintenance.

5.由于重庆升降机升降机的主要介质是液压油,容易热胀冷缩系统媒介在开机后,由冷态变热态;闸板在冷态关闭,热态时开启。据维修人员介绍,因而若不对系统采取一定的措施,异常升压对升降货梯系统的破坏几乎是无法避免的。 As the main medium of Chongqing elevator lift is the hydraulic oil, easy expansion and contraction of the media system in the boot, the cold becomes hot; gate in cold shut, open hot state. According to maintenance personnel, and therefore, if the system does not take certain measures, abnormal pressure on the lifting of the elevator system is almost impossible to avoid the damage.

Therefore, we must from within the body to ensure that the elevator is not damaged, let us protect the core factors, and then a good control of the length of life, to ensure the safety of the use of the elevator.

